Dossier ✩
NAME : Karlyle [Lyle but Karl is ok!!]
AGE : 22
DOB : 09/20/2001
GENDER : Transman [He/They/It]
OCCUPATION : Fulltime Artist, unemployed otherwise
OTHER STUFF : Dx: Generalized Anxiety, Depression
| SelfDx: Autistic (Possible ADHD), maybe OCD
HEIGHT : 5'11
STYLE : Dresses like a father but loves cute shit sm
DNI : TERFs/SWERFs/Transphobia, Homophobia, ProShip (Incest,MinorwAdult), Transmeds/Truscum

Blurb: Orel Puppington (12) from the Midwest learns about the world around him through the skewed lenses of convenient, cherry-picked, and bastardized religion. He is rather gullible and literal so he usual gets the meanings completely incorrect in either the audiences eyes or the wrong meaning for the adults around him.
Favorite Character(s):
Orel Puppington, Stephanie Putty (Foamwire), Danielle Stopframe, Clay Puppington (awful but well written)
Simps: Danielle Stopframe
Blurb: Gon Freecs is ready to take the hunting exam at the young age of 12. This has always been the plan to see what his father left for, what about being a hunter was so much greater than staying back to raise his own child? Along the way he meets his friend Killua as well as Kurapika and Leorio. Together they go through the Hunter exam and the aftermath to navigate the world of hunters.
Favorite Character(s):
Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, Razor, Pariston, Hisoka, Illumi, Alluka
Simps: Leorio, Biscuit
Blurb: (I'm only cover Phoenix but TGAA and AJ are my favs so) Phoenix Wright is at his first trial as a lawyer for his friend on trial for murder. Under the guidance of Mia Fey he continues his journey navigating the legal system to find the truth and reach justice of course still having to plead his case namely against the notorious Miles Edgeworth- a child friend Phoenix had since lost touch with till the courtroom.
Favorite Character(s):
Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Pearl Fey, Miles Edgeworth, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, Iris Wilson, Susato Mikotoba, Apollo Justice, Klavier Gavin, Trucy Wright
Simps: Godot, Franziska Von Karma, Klavier Gavin, Mia Fey
Blurb: Vtubing! What a wonderous world full of many opportunities. While seemingly easier to make content as they may not have to prepare to look presentable it creeates a whole new challenge to create variety and means to work around the physical limitations that come from only a puppeted model instead of being in flesh and blood. Either Corporate, Indie-- big or small, Vtubing is for everyone and while thousands for the perfect model is great and all, there is still 3D models and PNGtubers as well!
Vshojo: Ironmouse
Nijisanji: Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Pomu Rainpuff, Uki Violeta
Hololive/tempus: Gavis Bettel, Josuiji Shinri, Banzoin Hakka, Ninomae Ina'nis
Favs ATM: Ironmouse, Luca, Bettel, Shinri
Blurb: In the not so distant future, a war begins between newly sentient Omnics and humans. As a means to keep humanity safe against the omnics that posed a threat- the US army creates super soldiers and eventually create Overwatch. After the Omnic Crisis ends and Omnics who are more easily able to intergrate into society; Overwatch continues their missions including missions against a terrorist group named Talon. After a major split amongst ranks and Overwatch losing credibility, Overwatch is forced to disband. That is til Winston, a talking (mutant) gorilla sees the rise in Talon and Omnic centered terrorists groups that he seeks for Overwatch to come together with a recall,
Favorite Character(s):
Baptiste, Mauga, Ana, Dva, Reinhardt, Brigitte, Hanzo, Cassidy
Simps: Lifeweaver, Baptiste, Dva, Reinhardt, Cassidy
Blurb: Kotetsu Kaburagi [Wild Tiger], a hero past his prime is given one last chance after the compnay sponsoring his hero activities closes down: to become part of the first set of buddy heros. That is where Barnaby Brooks Jr, a younger hero with the same power as Kotetsu. While the two start off rocky, they begin to grow closer and understadning towards one anothers goals and motivations
Favorite Character(s):
Kotestu, Barnaby, Nathan Seymour (Fire Emblem), Keith Goodman (Sky High)
Simps: Barnaby, Nathan, Agnes, Ryan
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